Salame Toscano


San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy

The salame Toscano is among the best known products of the regional delicatessen, characterized by his full-bodied taste, strong flavors and a full taste, rich of unforgettable smells of fresh garlic and mashed black pepper.


Only italian premium lean cuts are selected and used to produce the salame.


  • The lean part of the meat mixture is minced and joined to the cubed lard.
  • Spices, garlic and mashed black pepper are added to the mixture.
  • The mix rests for a few hours in cold drying rooms, for loosing excess water.
  • The meat is canned in natural casings and dried in warm rooms for a week, before aging for some other weeks in cold dry rooms, until a complete maturation of the salami is reached.

Available sizeProduct code
3,5kg/3 P104080CA1

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